Division Street Collage
Taking for scraps Rimbaud
And the dusk's light
The angle of incidents
Marches right up here
If it is birds then it's something
If it's words then it's nothing
Put two things in the opening
And begin to measure on time
I speak only and ancient
Movie vistas open up when you're not
Looking carefully trace the brighter
Wholes to the first
Put everything in the fore
In the first
With a cherish
Created it in the
Second behind
The hearse with the body in it
Like another book
Modeled on a first I've never seen
To have fallen completely
In love with the day
Do you jewel my name
or maybe more
To remember uncouth
Counter of times
Until winter disenchants
All angles to chance
And determinacy
Like backing up into a bright wonderfold
Or walking through dusk
With an eye to the ground
Another on the sky up there
Old Shit Eye
Turned backwards
He barks lovingly over the day
He barks lovingly over our day
Smiling like all dogs
Frowning like all jealous gods
He barks longingly
Over the day
Taking for scraps Rimbaud
And the winter-light
In this collage
I have fallen completely
In love with the day
And watch it jewel my name
Making more to remember
Sound overlays sound:
Separation becomes easy when
Dusk leaves a siren-traced imprint
On the city