Tawil Poetry System Presents
Osel Of My Eye 7: Catullus
Homage to Louis Zukofsky
A collaborative long poem generated by Google Voice.
I will be composing a book over the next month by calling a phone number and leaving voicemail messages. My voice messages will be transcribed to text by Google Voice. Each message will be me reading a poem by Catullus in Latin. Google Voice will "translate" my Latin into English. The e-mail messages will be assembled (unedited) into a book.
I am inviting others to contribute to the book by calling the same phone number I am using and leaving their own poems. All the e-mail messages I receive will be included in the book. I will be posting each message to the Journal of Unversion as I receive it, in between the Catullus poems that Google Voice and I will be translating together.
You may call me from your phone by calling 601-759-1723. Or you can use the "Call Me" icon at the right side of this page.
Give me your grunts, your howls, your words, your phonemes of animal and human spirit!
A CD with sound files of all messages recieved by contributers will be distributed with the book.
The number to call is: 601-759-1723
Thanks! Gregory Fitzsimmons